Our story comes to an end when Momo (Barbie Wu) returns to Wuhan where her mother Mingxia (Mia Katigbak) is preparing to re-open the family stall for the first time in months. But when one adventure ends, another completely different adventure can begin. Stick around after the final episode for a post show conversation with Portland based Theatre Scholar, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner and Profile Theatre Artistic Director, Josh Hecht.
It is midnight in a two bedroom flat in Tehran. Babak (Doren Elias) finds Atoosa (Kristina Haddad) awake on the futon in the living...
It's March 1, 2020, and Mar-a-Lago waitress Penelope (Cristi Miles) confides in visiting Opera Singer, Hayder (Amir Arison) who introduces her to Claudia the...
A fish-stall in the Wuhan market, New Year’s Eve 2019. Momo (Barbie Wu) visits her GonGon (Francis Jue) with a secret. When tragedy strikes,...